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Colleyville Garden Club

Garden Collection- 11am - 3pm, Saturday, April   2

First member

Flowers include iris, day lillies, iris, phlox, iris, verbenna, iris, daisies.  Did I mention Iris?

Bushes/trees include pecan, pine, hydrangea, japanese maple, pistachio, pear, pittosporum, abelia. roses.

Other features - vegetable garden, tricky drainage, water fountains, both sun and shade

Special items - strawberry begonia from Anita Barnwell

Work in Progress - shady area on the west side of the house

Second member

Flowers include iris, day lillies, iris, phlox, iris, verbenna, iris, daisies.  Did I mention Iris?

Bushes/trees include pecan, pine, hydrangea, japanese maple, pistachio, pear, pittosporum, abelia. roses.

Other features - vegetable garden, tricky drainage, water fountains, both sun and shade

Special items - strawberry begonia from Anita Barnwell

Work in Progress - shady area on the west side of the house

Third member

Flowers include iris, day lillies, iris, phlox, iris, verbenna, iris, daisies.  Did I mention Iris?

Bushes/trees include pecan, pine, hydrangea, japanese maple, pistachio, pear, pittosporum, abelia. roses.

Other features - vegetable garden, tricky drainage, water fountains, both sun and shade

Special items - strawberry begonia from Anita Barnwell

Work in Progress - shady area on the west side of the house

4th member

Flowers include iris, day lillies, iris, phlox, iris, verbenna, iris, daisies.  Did I mention Iris?

Bushes/trees include pecan, pine, hydrangea, japanese maple, pistachio, pear, pittosporum, abelia. roses.

Other features - vegetable garden, tricky drainage, water fountains, both sun and shade

Special items - strawberry begonia from Anita Barnwell

Work in Progress - shady area on the west side of the house

5th member

Flowers include iris, day lillies, iris, phlox, iris, verbenna, iris, daisies.  Did I mention Iris?

Bushes/trees include pecan, pine, hydrangea, japanese maple, pistachio, pear, pittosporum, abelia. roses.

Other features - vegetable garden, tricky drainage, water fountains, both sun and shade

Special items - strawberry begonia from Anita Barnwell

Work in Progress - shady area on the west side of the house

Colleyville Garden Club Member Garden Visits

This is your chance to see your CGC friends yards without interrupting them!

 Tickets are a $10 donation for any one Saturday or $25 for the year and are only available online. Below is information about the gardens open 11am to 3pm May 20 with a link to get your tickets..

On the very bottom is the link to gardens that are open other Saturdays.

And, new this year - Member Garden of the Season will be chosen from gardens open for visits, by members who have visited!

Hope you enjoy your Colleyville Garden Club Member Garden Visits

Saturday, May 20, 2023 Gardens Group
Open 11am - 3pm

Cathy Polito
New Gardens this year

This year my husband and I decided to revamp our backyard. We installed new hard scaping and a new water feature. We removed our old pond and replaced it with a firepit. We also decided on new landscaping.

Nancy Harding
 Learning to garden the Texas way 

     Since moving from 3 acres in Nebraska, our little Texas cottage yard has undergone a makeover.  Some of the remnants are 3 “acorn prolific” oak  trees, 1 live oak, 2 messy Chinese elms, 2 crape myrtles, junipers and a large fountain.

     An unidentifiable large tree was removed to make way for a patio, fireplace and grill area. Stone paths and extended flower beds have replaced some grass and an area which was covered by ancient loropetulums.

      While digging in Texas ground has been a challenge, I have enjoyed learning about and planting some shrub/tree varieties including Oak leaf, Savannah, Buford, Nellie RS and Yaupon Hollies. I was not familiar with abelias, sunshine and variegated ligustrums or the newer nandinas. Now there are several in the yard. 

     Joining newly planted Hydrangeas, Aucuba, Gaura, and lavender, the following were imported from Nebraska: Amsonia, North wind switchgrass (now grown to Texas size!),and of course Husker Red Penstemon.

(Please consider parking by the justice center)

Debra Sanders 
Installed hardscaping and upgraded landscaping

Mike and I have lived in this home for seven years. During this time we have installed quite a bit of hardscaping and upgraded the landscaping. We recently installed a putting green. Our property is populated with cherry laurels, azaleas and Japanese maples.

Susan Starr
Backyard Shade Garden​

     We purchased our home in 2016 as second owners.  It was heavily treed with a dozen large Post Oaks and Jack Black Oaks, which needed trimming and feeding, and had very sparse, dying Bermuda grass covering the ground.

      I immediately saw the potential of a beautiful garden and started a design, complete with a stone pathway and an additional patio area.  The pergola was very simple and plain, so we added a stone fireplace.  It has taken 5 years to complete.  We removed the grass first, then added stone edging all around the garden space.  We added a flagstone patio, the garden pathway and modified the sprinkler system to accommodate garden plants.  Next, we modified drainage and put in the path lighting.  We fertilized and enhanced the garden soil, and finally, added plants.  Then we re-sodded the lawn.

     The garden is still a work in progress, as we discover the shade too intense for one plant and replace it with another.   But the basic work is finished and we heavily use the garden for entertaining friends and neighbors or just to simply enjoy the garden beauty in the company of our visiting birds and squirrels.

Your ticket is good for all 4 of the gardens that are open.  There is no agenda - just come and go as you please anytime between 11am and 3pm

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